I attacked the house today, the first day. With the help of family and a friend, some new locks got installed, the garage swept, all of the filthy carpet removed onto the side patio and some tack strips removed.
Pulling the carpet up and seeing, literally, sandy dirt piled underneath it in certain high traffic areas, made me never want to have carpet again. It collects so much dirt.
And the dog urine -- the amount -- was just overwhelming. The prior dog had urinated in about 3 or 4 different locations in the house, over and over. You could just tell by how stained the plywood subfloor was. This leads me to why carpet removal was task number two, with changing of locks being number one. The stench. It's more like a stink than a stench. I knew there was animal smell in the house eminating from the carpet, but I had no idea how much until I saw the stains in the plywood.
I will decide whether to Killz the plywood subfloor or replace some of the plywood pieces.
Note to self: Order a dumpster from the waste removal company for the carpet and tack strips.
We also got the whole garage floor laid out with pallets, so that all of the stuff that will be stored in there for awhile will not get moisture damage from sitting on the garage slab.